Thursday, December 26, 2013

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

This movie is an incredibly original and creative concept. Its a really great combination of romance, comedy, and cerebral science fiction that makes an impressively well made movie. I think a good explanation for the type of movie this is: think about if Being John Malkovich had a baby with, Memento, and the Notebook. It's a strange comparison but watch all those movies (with the "exception" of the Notebook they're all phenomenal movies anyway) and compare them with this movie, you'll have an awesome baby that is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

I don't usually talk about the cinematography of movies because A. I'm not an expert on cinematography and B. if a movie can tell a story really well I shouldn't worry too much about the cinematography. That being said, this movie is beautifully filmed and just the way its shot is so creative and actually mind blowing.

The movie follows the story of Joel (played by Jim Carrey). The beginning of the movie really starts at the end of Joel's relationship with a woman named Clementine (played by Kate Winslet). Joel is so torn up by this break up and he soon realizes that Clementine has gone through a special procedure to have all memory of him erased from her memory. So Joel decides that's what he wants too. The movie takes place mainly over the course of one night following Joel in his mind as he sees his memories of Clementine disappearing before his eyes.

Its really fun to see an actual earnest dramatic role portrayed by Jim Carrey. While I love him as a comedic actor and I think that's where his talent is, it really shows his talent as an actor when he can play the role of an incredibly introverted man struggling with the aftermath of a breakup.

Believe it or not, Carrey is very subtle in this movie. And he does it well. He plays a very introspective man who is traveling within his mind and struggling with the emotions that come along with the memories disappearing before him.

Kate Winslet gives an incredibly solid performance. Clementine is crazy in this film. That's not really an exaggeration. Clementine has some emotional issues and is very attached to Joel from the very beginning. You can see in their first interaction in the film that once she spies something she likes, she pounces on it and never lets it go. The first thought I had when observing Winslet's character is, "My god, she's insane."

I think that's the reaction the movie was expecting me to say. But beyond all opinions of mine, Carrey still finds something in her that he absolutely falls for.

The memories being erased pull a Memento and start from the end and go all the way to the beginning of their relationship. Like any other relationship, things end worse than they begin. And that's done on purpose. It allows for Joel to realize exactly what he's giving up by agreeing to this memory wipe.

The fascinating thing about this movie is that while I thought Kate Winslet's character was justifiably insane from the moment she's introduced, she's the right kind of insane for Jim Carrey's character. It compliments his introvertness and the two create a couple that really extenuates the love story. I could see this being the hipster's Notebook.

The other characters in the movie are the people wiping his memory throughout the night. The first one is Elijah Wood who steals the memories of Joel and tries to use them to woo Clementine. The other characters are Kristen Dunst who plays the Secretary of the main Doctor, (played by Tom Wilkinson) Mark Ruffalo is also in this movie... which is always a good thing.

The movie has a cult following along with its already established mainstream success. And I get it, its a romantic movie with a couple twists and turns that really make the story more romantic. There are a bunch of hipster girls who don't connect to The Notebook and see this movie as their muse.

I liked the story, I liked every character, I liked Carrey and Winslet's performances. There are very few things I didn't like.

The one problem I have with the movie is that its message can get a little confused with the actions of the movie. I have a little bit a problem that this couple actually does have some problems that are clearly illustrated in the movie. They definitely explain the situation in which they break up and the dynamic of the relationship leading up to that breakup. This isn't a case of misunderstandings, these two definitely have problems. And yet there comes a point where Joel doesn't want this to happen anymore and he wants to go and get Clementine back.

I won't say if he does or not but the movie kind of puts the audience in a constant state of what How I Met Your Mother would call, Graduation goggles. Its the phenomena most commonly seen when you graduate from Highschool. Its when something or someone is leaving or will be lost and you go and remember all the good things even if they weren't that good.

Because the movie starts at the end of their relationship, it gives the picture of things starting out horribly and then becoming better and better as the movie goes on. They kind of mention that in the end but unfortunately, emotionally fragile women (and men) may see this as a sign they should stay in a relationship that isn't healthy or get back together with someone they should just not be getting back together with.

Maybe I'm just extrapolating on personal experience, I just know I had a girlfriend that I shouldn't have been with for as long as I was. Had I seen this movie when I was with her and considering breaking up with her, I may have thought sticking it out would be a good idea and second guessing thoughts to break up with her.

Luckily, that may just be me worrying about my own fabricated consequences.

The movie does give a good message about breaking up. That while losing the companionship of another is hard, you did create memories that changed you and they are things you should hold onto and cherish.

Moral of the story: If you find a company that offers to wipe someone from your memory, don't do it!

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a solid movie and quite the cerebral adventure. Its not your run of the mill romance movie and that's a great strength the movie has.

So have you seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? Did you like it? What's your favorite cerebral movie? Any and all are good to mention, I may need a recommendation.

I'll leave you with this. Only because Elijah Wood was in this movie and I find that funny. So here's him laughing.

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