Monday, September 23, 2013

Payday 2

I know it's been a while. I've been pretty busy and unfortunately not able to watch too many movies or anything that have writable stories.

That being said, I have been playing a pretty cool game some people like to call Payday 2.

Payday 2 is a video game focused on pulling heists and smash and grab jobs. It's a co-op game that simulates the coordination of bank robberies and team crime.

It's a solid game... if you have 3 friends...

This game was huge on reddit. Screenshots and videos on r/gaming made this game look really really fun. I'm also a huge fan of heist films. It seemed like an obvious choice and a fun game.

And it is. Despite the fact I don't have 3 friends that own this game, I throughly enjoyed this game.

It's a challenge and it creates the best heist simulation I've ever seen.

The four playable characters all have their own backstories but they are very vague. They go by their code names and their bios are very brief.

I do wish they would develop the characters a little bit more but it does signify the type of game it is.

Payday is not about story.

A part of me is bummed about that but another part of me finds it refreshing. Missions are actually contracts and jobs. It makes you feel as though you actually are being contracted to fulfill these jobs as a criminal. It also allows me to make up my own stories.

Also, missions are replayable yet they always change allowing for challenge when the environment changes.

There's not much I can say. I don't talk too much about graphics or gameplay in these reviews and there isn't much of a story. That being said, Payday 2 is a solid game.

The solo campaign, though almost overly challenging and the computer players are dumb as rocks, is quite the campaign. Once I get friends, the game should get a lot more fun.

This review is the beginning of a series of reviews on Crime films and video games. I'm currently watching The Town and GTA 5 is in the mail.

If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. I think I'm getting a handle on my schedule so hopefully more reviews will be coming out soon.

Have you played Payday 2? What do you think? Share your thought.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the feedback. This might be one of the shortest reviews I have ever done looking back.
