Thursday, March 27, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Trailer

March has not been nice to this blog. I've had a lot of other responsibilities and haven't had the time to both watch movies and more importantly, the movies and TV shows I've watched, I haven't been able to write anything on it. I have a number of movies and TV shows that I have watched and I'm still working on those reviews. I can promise, a lot of those reviews will come out by next week.

But I saw something today and I thought I would give the 20 or so people that read my blog every day a little bit of a thank you and give my review of the new trailer that just came out today. Its for Transformers!

You may be saying, Connor, the Transformers 4 trailer came out a while ago. Mark Wahlberg's in it and Optimus Prime rides a dinosaur transformer.

This One

But no. Believe it or not, they're making another Transformer sequel. But this one is more of a spinoff.

Remember Mikaela Banes? Megan Fox's character from Transformers? Yeah she's getting her own spinoff!

I'm not gonna lie, this is a very strange looking spinoff. There were very few transformers in it and the few we saw, they look a little bit strange.

They look a lot like Turtles! I never thought they would go into that direction to make Transformers that look like Turtles. But hey, I mean if Optimus Prime can ride a Transformer Dinosaur why can't Mikaela Banes work with Turtle Autobots?

Now by this time, I hope you understand my thoughts of the recent trailer that I saw. I just saw the trailer for the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie that is coming out in August.

If you watch this trailer, it has Michael Bay written all over it. It only takes barely 10 seconds for buildings to start crashing down and things exploding. Now take out all the scenes with the Turtles and put in footage of Optimus Prime or Megatron and you've got another Transformer's trailer.

And this wouldn't be awful... if this was a Transformers movie. But its just another Michael Bay movie! We've seen it before, there's no reason for it to happen again.

Also, I am in no way a huge TMNT fan. I think its a funny pop culture reference, I may know a little bit more about it than the average joe. So as an outside observer... the Turtles look stupid. They looked stupid in the concept art, they looked stupid in the other live action films they did, and they look stupid now.

I mean yeah, the CGI version of this movie wasn't that phenomenal. But why do we need a live action flick? And if we're going to do the live action stuff, why make it the same old generic ninja turtles we've seen before? The "Cowabunga dude!" feel was not the original idea for the comics. They were darker. Why not go for a darker edgy feeling to it? Yeah its been overdone since Batman Begins but at least its a different approach for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Also, Megan Fox? Really? There was nobody else that fit the part of April O'Neal better than Megan Fox? Nobody better than Jennifer's body? Really? No one?

I am excited to see William Fichtner get a large role like this. I've enjoyed him since his part in Prison Break and I think he's been under utilized.

So... way to go William Fichtner. Again, I'm not a huge fan so I don't know the actual origin story of Shredder. I understand he was originally Asian, but frankly I don't care. I don't think there are a lot of Asians who are going to care. The only people who care are the hardcore fans of the series. And this film obviously isn't pointed at them, so who cares.

In short, I will probably not spend one dime on this movie. It looks silly, it sounds silly, and it Transformer Turtles. The only reason I may watch it when a friend buys it down the road and I'm drunk and watch it at a party when I can barely hear the sound, is to see William Fichtner.

So have you seen the trailer? What did you think? Do you think it'll be a good movie? Let me know in the comments.

If you haven't seen it, then everything you just read doesn't make any sense. Watch the trailer.

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