Thursday, January 1, 2015

Bioshock Infinite

For one reason or another, I'm always behind when it comes to Bioshock.

I'm not sure why I haven't played this game already, I loved the first Bioshock so why wouldn't I play this one as fast as I could?

The answer is that Bioshock, any of them, are really games that are an experience. Its like watching a really good show, you have to binge watch it, really only taking breaks to eat and go to the bathroom because the story is so indepth, so complex, and really just a really fun time. There's so many things you have to find, pieces to a puzzle that is revealed in the end but you never really know until the game is over.

Like the first game, its really hard to explain the story of Bioshock without giving the ending away. And like the first game, the ending is so good that I cannot spoil it. Needless to say, you need to see this ending, you need to play this game, it'll blow your mind.

What I can say about the story is that you are a washed up, badass named Booker DeWitt. DeWitt is a war veteran, he's a former Pinkerton, and he's in debt.

So Booker is tasked from a mysterious person to bring the girl back from a city called Colombia and all his debts are paid. Well Colombia is a city in the sky. There's a great backstory to this city, a backstory you don't really figure out unless you explore in the game, unless you pick up on some of the hidden gems and secrets throughout the game that tell the game's story.

Anyway, Booker goes into the sky to the city of Colombia to find the girl locked away in a tower by the name of Elizabeth.

The town is run by a religious man by the name of Zachary Comstock and he will stop at nothing to make sure that Elizabeth is kept in Colombia. And there's your plot. Yes, there is more to the story but its just something you have to experience.

The great part of this game is just the strange dynamic the game's atmosphere has. On one hand, you get a similar adventure, scary, unnatural feeling you get when you play a Bioshock game, a feeling players of the first game will recognize and new players will have fun getting used to. But at the same time, there's this great sci fi feeling to it that. Furthermore its got this amazing feeling of historical commentary.

I've never talked too much about gameplay in video game reviews. For what its worth, the gameplay is a lot of fun. There's a pluthera of weapons you can use, spell like vigors your can use to facilitate combat.

I've heard amazing things about Elizabeth as your companion and she is really one of the best companions you'll ever have in a video game.

The secrets and mystery in this game are really just spectacular.

There's so much to say about this game and yet its incredibly hard to explain. Its even harder to explain this game without spoiling it. I'm wondering if I just need to do a separate post on the ending.

The one thing I will say about the ending of this game is that is kind of makes it hard for me to want to replay the game. I know there are a lot of things I missed and I know there's a lot to do with gameplay that makes this game fun to play through a second time. However, now that I know the secret, its a combination of the mystery being pulled out of it, and it just being tragic.

The selling point for me on this game was when they start playing with time and space, alternate dimensions and a lot of stuff that I've always wanted to see in video games but I've never seen it like this.

This review is turning out to be a lot shorter than I want it to be. All I can really say is that the game looks amazing, it plays amazingly, and the story is just down right amazing. Its a great combination of alternative histories, time travel science fiction, and classic adventure gaming. I think its too early to tell if the game will have a huge impact as one of my favorite games of all time, but I know the story has to be one of my favorite. Replay will come more from me wanting to relive that experience because honestly, Bioshock Infinite's story is just something that takes a lot out of you and its only made better when you look back and see that you experienced it.

The best way I can describe this game is likening it to a Christopher Nolan film. There's so many secrets and hidden puzzles throughout the game and the twist at the end will blow your mind.

The best example of this is like the movie Inception. This is not saying that the ending or anything in Bioshock Infinite was anything like Inception or its ending, but its similar in the fact that Inception was a movie that created its own universe, created its own facts and physics, some of them based in reality, some of them not, but created something just freaking brilliant out of it.

From that, the film, or in this case, the game is just that much more memorable and is very, VERY cerebral, especially with its manipulation of time and space. Even with saying that I feel like I've already revealed too much. Its just an experience that is very hard to explain, and even if I could find a way to explain it, I wouldn't really give it the justice that it deserves.

If you have an Xbox, Playstation, or a computer, buy Bioshock Infinite. Its definitely worth it and you will not regret the purchase.

That's really all I can say for now. I think when I think more about it I'll give my thoughts on the ending. But for now I want to know what you think about the game. Comment and Discuss below!

I'll leave you with this. The game has elements that put me in a sci fi mood like that of Doctor Who. Here's a fun crossover of Bioshock and Doctor Who. Enjoy!

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