Monday, May 12, 2014

Constantine trailer

Okay I know Constantine isn't a muppet frog that looks like Kermit the Frog, at least that's not the one I'm talking about. (Although I do remember I saw that movie and should do a review about it when I get more time, so look forward to that)

Little bit of a disclaimer, I have no idea what Constantine or the HellBlazer comics are about. From
what I have gathered. Hellblazer follows a detective of the supernatural by the name of John Constantine. He exists in a world of the ghosts, hell spawn and other entities. I'm not really sure whether or not he fights them or if he keeps them at rest, protecting the normal world... I don't know.

Constantine also exists in the same universe as many other DC superstars like Green Lantern, Green Arrow, etc. There have been many crossovers between the two.

DC is trying to get back the hold that it used to have on the small screen with new shows like this and Gotham. I really think that DC got freaked out when Marvel's Agent's of SHIELD came out because suddenly they started looking for anything they can put on the small screen to increase their profit. That is the beauty of competition like this, hopefully its bringing out the best of DC and causing them to find anything to take away viewers from Agents of SHIELD and bring them over the to the DC side.

So all that said, a trailer recently came out for the new NBC show, Constantine. The show will follow John Constantine in his supernatural world.

Now it should be noted that there was a movie of Constantine well before this TV show aired.

But because I don't know anything about Constantine nor did I see this movie, I can't say whether or not it was good. All I've heard is that it did not follow the comics very well and... well its Keanu Reeves.

You wanna see a funny video basically about Keanu Reeves, check out this one.

Right Here

But from what I've heard, the movie isn't that good, Keanu is... well Keanu. And it doesn't follow the comics very well.

This TV show I've heard will try and follow the comics more. Now I'm not a huge stickler for comic book accuracy. Maybe its because I don't read comics but I realize that when you're doing an adaptation, it really ties the writer's hands when they have to do everything according to the comic.

Constantine may be a bad example because I don't know if the movie was a complete affront to the comic but can you understand my point here? Its an adaptation so it'll try to be as true as it can but at the same time its an opportunity for writer's to have fun and go places with a property its never been before. That should be something celebrated by fans, not criticized.

Now its only a trailer but I already like the character of John Constantine. He's funny, he's British, and he gives a couple laughs in the trailer. There is a woman he travels with who begins to see the world the way he does and the trailer really alludes to some development that could be very interesting.

If you can't see already, I'm excited for this show. Its cool to see how a trailer can draw someone in. Its fun for me because I know the origins of Constantine but not exactly what its about. So on one hand I'm seeing it as an objective non-involved viewer, but on the other hand I'm seeing it as a person knowledgable of comics and know the source material.

So well done Constantine trailer for intriguing me, someone who was not interested in anything Constantine until I saw the trailer.

The main reason the show intrigues me is because it looks and feels like Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Now before the fanboys freak out, I must admit, I'm not a huge fan of Buffy. I watched maybe 4 seasons of it mainly because my girlfriend at the time was into it and wanted to get me into it.

I'll give the show credit, at some points it was really fun and I did enjoy the show for the brief time I watched it, but in the end I'm not a huge fan of Sarah Michelle Gellar as an actress and Buffy was really starting to get too high school drama for me. I've thought every once in a while to go back and watch it all the way through, cause I've heard it only gets better as it goes on, but I just can't. I don't have time. Bring on the flame.

My point is, the elements I liked about Buffy, the fighting of demons and the supernatural, they appear in the Constantine trailer. I think with an update in the special effects and a more focused storyline, (as opposed to who Buffy is going to bring to prom) might actually entice me to watch and really enjoy this show.

In short, the trailer caught my attention, now we'll see if it gets my curiosity (Name the reference) If you haven't seen the trailer, check it out. It definitely is a kind of show only a few people will enjoy and for right now I think I will. Check it out and leave a comment below on it or my analysis of it.

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