Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Thanks for Bearing With Me

For people who read this blog regularly, you may notice the last month has been very sparse as far as posts. I had to apologize but as a college student finishing up my junior year, I have a crap load of finals I need to get done. While I consider blogging a relaxing remedy to the stresses provided by my tests, I feel bad writing something recreationally when I could be writing something for a grade.

This is the reason I wrote the Gotham Trailer review instead of my 24: Live Another Day pilot review. If you looked at my queue of posts and drafts, my list of things I want to write about but only have drafts on is WAY too long. However, I watched those movies and TV shows, I have thoughts about them and I WILL write them. This post will serve as more of a teaser for what is to come based on the drafts I have. The end of the month will be much more open than I am right now and will bring a lot of posts and hopefully good reviews, reviews you all deserve.

24: Live Another Day - This is the most current. I did watch it, I do have a lot to say about the pilot and there are a lot of things I can say to make it good for the rest of the series.

In case you didn't know, I really like 24. I have watched a lot more than I have said here of 24 and there's a lot I can say about it. Perhaps I will even bring up my thoughts on the 6th season which was the most current season that I watched and it was one of the more lack luster seasons.

So in short, I will definitely review 24: Live Another Day and possibly bring in some other seasons if I get some good reception on this pilot review and if I have time to re-watch some of the high points worth talking about.

How I Met Your Mother Finale - There is A LOT I can say about this finale. I fell behind with this TV show because I was watching it with my girlfriend. I would have finished it a long time ago and probably would have had a post up here by now but I had to make my viewing schedule work with my girlfriend's and we just finished it recently.

This finale had a lot of backlash from it and I'm interested to put my thoughts up on it because I may have a little bit of a different view then others. How I Met Your Mother has been a very fun show and its definitely worth saying something about a show that has been known as the "Friends" of this generation. I personally think it was better than Friends and it had a lot of great elements about it. I'll try and talk about why the show as so good and how the finale worked and why it may have not worked. So expect this review as soon as I re-watch it and give you a fresh view on it.

Daniel Craig James Bond films - To be honest, I watched Skyfall about a month ago if not two months ago. I was about to write the review for it but then I realized that I wanted to watch Casino Royale, and when I watched Casino Royale and started drafting a post for that I realized that I needed to watch Quantum of Solace and then things got busy and it never happened.

What I finally decided to do is watch all three, write a review for both of them in their respective order, Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, and Skyfall and then figure decide which one is the better of the 3 at the end of the last review.

I would like to watch more James Bond films and compare Craig's interpretation against that of Connery, Dalton, Brosnan, etc. We'll see if I'm able to watch those films but the priority will be put on the Daniel Craig films first then see what we can do.

The 10th Doctor - This was a post I was actually really excited about when I first started drafting it. The reason was that it is hard to do a review of Doctor Who. The episodes are so different and unique that its hard to review seasons as a whole as I do with 24.

I also wanted to do this mainly because its less focused on the seasons this character is in but the character himself. I love characters and in particular, I love David Tennant's interpretation of the Doctor.

And I'm not alone. David Tennant for whatever reason is one of the most favorited Doctor's and I wanted to look at his seasons as a whole and his character and ask the question, Why is he so popular?

This is also another situation where I've been re-watching Doctor Who with my girlfriend We are finishing up the David Tennant episodes and by the time we finish it, it will be prime time to do this post and I'm looking forward to it.

So Many Things Star Wars - It was recently May the 4th and I was very happy with myself for getting out at least my preliminary thoughts of the new cast for the new Star Wars films. However, I have watched and done a lot of things Star Wars since and there is a LOT I need to talk about.

I want to talk about some video games. I have played both The Force Unleashed games and the Knights of the Old Republic recently and there's something to be said about those two games. I'm not sure if I'll want to do a review for both games or do a comparison between the two as these are my two favorite game franchises. I think there are a lot of things that are worth talking about.

And that kind of leads me into another topic and what I guess will its own post. There was recently an announcement on what mediums of Star Wars are canon or part of the official Star Wars timeline. This is very important because this announcement effects the countless books, video games, comics that I and may Star Wars fans have grown to love so much. This change will effect the past and legacy of Star Wars that has been created up to this point and it will also change the future and what will be put out as far as the Star Wars Universe goes. So that will be an interesting post and one I want to put a lot of effort into.

The Clone Wars - And that brings me into a review that will be hard for me mainly because I have so much to say. My review of the Clone Wars will include the movie and the television show. This will be difficult because to be put briefly, I am not a huge fan of the Clone Wars. I am currently in the process of watching it and I've seen the movies. I have a lot to say about these things but it will take some time as I will not review it until I am totally done with the series, hopefully that comes sooner than I think it will.

Its even more interesting because the Clone Wars does tie into the announcement about which mediums of Star Wars are part of the official timeline and which parts are not. I have a lot to say about this and this will be an important and very critical review.

Hopefully it will entertain and be educational for you all and give you a better understanding of my thoughts on the Star Wars universe, a universe I have grown up with and loved for a long time. I hope you stay tuned for my thoughts on that.

And that brings me to a post I'm a little hung up on and may or may not happen.

The Star Wars films themselves - A part of the reason there is so much to talk about with Star Wars is because I went back and re-watched The Phantom Menace. I wanted to look back and watch those films as objectively as I could. You'd think that that would enable me to do a thoughtful and constructive review of the entire film series right?

Well there are two problems with reviewing this film series and they lie within the two trilogies themselves.

The first problem is that anything bad said about these movies, especially the prequel trilogies has been said countless times over. I'm not totally sure I want to do a review like this because I would just be restating exactly what someone else has said. There may be things that don't bother me as much but for the most part I'd just be restating what has already been said. Now when it comes to the actual time I sit down and consider whether or not I want to do this review and I figure out I have more to say that hasn't been said before, I may consider writing a review for the entire film series, however there is another problem.

I freaking love Star Wars. Almost everything about it. I love the prequel films just as much as I love the original trilogy. The only reason I say the original trilogy is better is because the little objective normal movie goer in me recognizes that the original trilogy are good films while the prequel films have a lot of plot holes and problems.

But even with that knowledge, it would be hard for me to point out the problems with the prequel films without saying something like, I know its not good but I don't care I love it. And with the original trilogy, I have grown up considering them to be masterpieces. Its hard for me to go into any of the movies and pick out anything wrong with them, the original trilogy especially.

So while I'd like to give my 2 cents on Star Wars and give you an interesting review, I feel like the only fair things I could say in a review of them is, I LOVE THIS MOVIE. You may not, but I do. End of review.

This is one of those reviews that I may or may not do. I will think about it after re-watching them and considering the points. Maybe I'll find something unique to put up similarly to the Nostalgia Critic review of the Top 11 Things that worked in the Star Wars prequels.

If I can find something unique to write about like this that will be different from what has been said over and over, good and bad about both the prequel and original trilogies, I may write a post. But for now don't expect anything yet.

House of Cards: Old and New - Stepping away from Star Wars, this is a review I have been wanting to do for about a year. My House of Cards watching started last year when the show came out. But instead of watching the American version like a normal red blooded America, I decided to watch the British version (I was in a British television mode) In fact I wanted to do an Old and New of this show basically since I started this blog. Remember my IT crowd review? I was watching that while I was watching the British House of Cards.

But its always had its pitfalls and hiccups. At first I wanted to just do a review of the British Version then a review on the American version when I got around to watching it. Then I stopped watching the British Version and started watching the American version and realized it'd be better to do a review comparing the two. And then I didn't finish the American version for another 6 months.

And then I wanted to keep watching the American version but then I thought about going back and re-watching the British version and then I got busy and it just never happened.

Needless to say, this is a review I've wanted to do for a long time and it will happen this summer. There is a lot I need to say about the series, I love the idea of comparing the two to find out which one is better and I think you'll be interested to find out which one I prefer over the other.

So stay tuned because this review will happen one way or another. Be patient and hopefully you will not be disappointed.

There are a couple other things I'd be interested in reviewing, a few movies here and there and some pieces on random things. The things I mentioned above are more of the planned things that I plan to get done once my workload is lifted in the summer. Of course I'll probably see some of the movies in cinema between now and then, there are a couple movies I watched half of and never got around to finishing, so needless to say there are things still to come beyond the ones listed above. I'm hoping to reward you all for your patience with as many reviews as I did in January. I won't promise that but I expect it to be a productive month when June rolls around.

Is there anything you want me to review? I haven't gotten any requests but if I start getting them I will make them priorities. Be sure to let me know if there is something you want to get my opinion on.

In the meantime, I'll leave you with this. Ever wondered who would win, Harry Potter or a Jedi? Well here's your answer. Thank you for all your support and patience. Enjoy!

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