Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Gotham Trailer

So I was enjoying the season premiere of 24: Live Another Day last night. Now I've had my rants about live TV (Doctor Who Finale) but this was different, 24 was always a show I watched live, I had to at least watch the premiere live. I will of course do my review of the pilot but I have other stuff I need to get done so it might take a while. I did however want to update the blog because I've been falling behind. Here's something pretty quick. So I was watching 24.

But then something came up that took me by surprise.

When this trailer started, I thought it was just another run of the mill police procedural. It didn't look like a show watching on TV even if I still watched shows live like that. And then the kid says his name is Bruce Wayne. And that got me interested.

Gotham is a television show set in Gotham City but centers around Commissioner Gordon (played by that guy from the OC, the guys a good actor and he's been in a lot since but I'll always know him as the guy from the OC, not because I watched the OC but that was the first thing I saw him in.) It looks as though the first episode will focus on Gordon becoming a detective and investigating the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne, where he meets Bruce Wayne.

From there, as it seems, it will be a procedural with popular villains from Batman in their early years. The show is suppose to feature young Catwoman, The Riddler, Poison Ivy, the Penguin.

And the trailer really knocked me off guard. I had heard about the Gotham TV show, saw stills of production but I don't think I ever really thought the show was actually going to happen. So when I saw the trailer, suddenly it became real and it looks really damn interesting.

The world of Batman is such a rich and loved universe but something like this has never been approached at this angle before. Commissioner Gordon is a intricate part of the Batman universe and if they were going to have a TV show set in that universe without having it be focused on Batman, Gordon seems like the obvious next choice.

Now the choice for Gordon was an interesting one for me because as much as I call him the OC guy, Ben Mckenzie is a good actor. I'm actually bummed he hasn't been in more stuff and I think this will be a great role for him.

The one struggle I can see is comparing Mckenzie to Gary Oldman. I don't think it will be a huge problem for the show as its too different mediums and this Gordon is suppose to be a younger version. But you know it will come up. They both will have the scene where Gordon is comforting Bruce Wayne after his parents have been killed. And its going to be hard especially since Gary Oldman just played Gordon a few years ago.

I don't foresee it as a problem for the show, its just worth mentioning the interesting parallel and comparison between the two.

Now as my TV watching as evolved, I'll admit it, I have become a little bit of a snob. So to see this airing on Fox instead of HBO, AMC, or be a Netflix original where they could do so much more with it, I am wary. Fox and other primetime channels get shows like this every year and not all of them succeed. In fact a lot of them don't succeed. Yes the subject matter makes it stand out initially but if its not good, this show will not last.

But I have hope, it is an interesting concept and I will definitely check out the pilot. I really hope it does well and there's a lot of good things we could see coming out of this show. What I think will make this show be really good is that of course they should show the origins of the iconic bad guys. However, what they should do is establish villains for Gordon to face off against who aren't from the comics. That way we actually have Gordon get some victories, we get to see some strange and awesome bad guys and we still get those origins everybody loved.

I think that is what they're doing with Jaden Pickett Smith but I want to see a lot more original characters rather than origin characters. Just a thought.

The one thing that was interesting about the trailer was that I liked the teaser better than the Extended trailer.

I think the Extended Trailer showed a little bit too much and it didn't have that ambiance to it that the teaser did. I think the point of the teaser was to catch audiences off guard just like it did for me. Its suppose to surprise people when the kid says his name is Bruce Wayne. The Extended does it to a fault but if you look closely and know your comics, you'll know this is for a Batman universe TV show.

I would compare this to Agents of Shield... but I don't watch Agents of Shield. Its still on my list but we'll see when I get to it.

But I'm going to wrap this up. I just wanted to give some quick thoughts on the trailer and say I'm excited for this show.

Did you see the trailer? What did you think? Comment below and let me know.

I'll leave you with the Extended Trailer I mentioned before. Let me know which one you like better, maybe I'm just a little bit more into the suspense of it but I'm interested to hear what other people thought. Enjoy!

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