Sunday, June 28, 2015


Dear God. I had heard this movie bad but I didn't know EXACTLY how bad.

Honestly, I don't know how best to describe Tammy because it really is just a movie about Melissa McCarthy and Susan Serandon going on a road trip. Oddly enough, today has been day where I've watched a bad Melissa McCarthy movie (this one) and another movie of hers which was actually kind of fun. (The Heat). Hopefully between these two movies, I can give you  a good explanation of what circumstances make Melissa McCarthy good, and which ones make her bad.

Tammy (played by McCarthy) in short, has a really bad day. She wrecks her car, she gets fired from her job, and she figures out her husband is cheating on her. To start off, Tammy is pretty much the same character that Melissa McCarthy always plays.

Now prior to today, I didn't necessarily believe that McCarthy wasn't that one note. I thought I'd give her a little bit more credit. But its these movies that I realize, that is true, she does really do the same thing over and over again.

She's the thick skinned large woman who is provocative with the things she says and its only because she's putting up a defense because everyone picks on her. And that is definitely true in Tammy.

Nobody really likes Tammy, and honestly, I understand why. She's kind of annoying. She's whiny, she's not very likable and she's not very intelligent.

But anyway, after her bad day, her and her grandmother (played by Susan Serandon) go on a road trip. To where, I'm not totally sure.

Like I think they are going to Niagara Falls but honestly, I'm not totally sure. I know road trip movies aren't totally about the destinations, they're more about the journey, but the reason Planes, Trains, and Automobiles is good is because they have an objective. They're trying to get somewhere. In this movie, its kind a journey Susan Serandon is taking Tammy on to make her less of a loser or something, I was never really sure.

Because of that, this movie is seemingly incredibly random.

They go to a lake and crash a jet ski. Then they go to a lesbian colony or something. Then Tammy robs a restaurant or something, that scene that you saw in all the trailers, yeah that's not really the most important scene of the movie. Honestly, I just want to forget what happened because I was so bored in this movie.

And remember how I said Tammy was an awful person. Well guess who she learned that from.

Yeah, the grandma in this film is just a down right awful person. I just down right hated this character and I think we were actually suppose to like her. I think we were actually suppose to like these two characters and I just hated them. Tammy's was just dumb, her grandma was just an asshole. And then at the end of the movie they try and play it off like they should just let the old grandma do her thing because she's old and an alcoholic.

But what's more is that the movie never really gave itself the opportunity to be taken seriously. There were a couple moments where I feel like the movie could have had a genuine serious moment. A moment to actually show off Melissa McCarthy not just as a physical fat woman comic, but an actual actress. But the movie never gave itself the opportunity to be serious and have a heart felt moment.

But instead we get a lot of the same BS that tried to cash in on Melissa McCarthy's character from Bridesmaids.

I'd really like to say that this movie got more crap that it deserves but I really can't think of anything that is good about this movie. This is probably going to be a short review because of that. All I can say is that this movie was painful watching.

I actually just realized that this movie is almost exactly the same as Identity Thief. I haven't watched that in A LONG time and I was about to forget about it, but then this movie reminded me! I warn you, this was one of my first posts, so its really a stretch back.

But have you seen Tammy? What did you think? Comment and Discuss below! You can also follow me on Twitter @cmhaugen24 to get updates on future movie news and reviews. You can also send me your thoughts on Tammy and send requests for future reviews.

I'll leave you with this. One of the things that I've loved from Melissa McCarthy is her appearance on SNL. Here's a segment that. Enjoy!

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