Sunday, January 26, 2014

Now You See Me

Its not too often you see a movie about magicians, and when you do, you have a pretty good feeling that you're going to be in for a fun ride.

And that's really what Now You See Me really is. A really fun ride.

Now You See Me is mainly focused on four magicians who call themselves The Four Horsemen. Played by Jesse Eisenberg (that guy from the Social Network, and Zombieland), Isla Fisher, Woody Harrelson, and Lil' Dave Franco.

At the beginning of the movie, all four of them are using magic to become successful, but its very small time. Its not until they are brought together that the movie really starts to pick up.

Fast forward a year, and they are all performing together. They do a large performance that ends with them showering the crowd with 3 million dollars in cash. That 3 million dollars comes from a bank that happens to be missing 3 million dollars.

Enter Mark Ruffalo, an FBI agent dead set on investigating this robbery and figuring out who the group managed to rob a bank in Paris from a stage in Las Vegas.

I really enjoyed Mark Ruffalo's character and his acting in this movie. I watched this movie with my girlfriend and the only thing she knows Ruffalo from is the Hulk. She said she could only see Bruce Banner in his performance, but I'll have to disagree. Ruffalo really does give off a great performance of someone trying their awful best to figure out the schemes of these magicians before they do their next move. He however just can't quite get there first.

And then there's Morgan Freeman. Morgan Freeman plays a former Magician who actually goes debunking the tricks of other magicians. While you want Mark Ruffalo to figure out these things, its really Morgan Freeman figuring things out the entire way.

While the trailers and almost everything makes it seem like the magicians are the main characters, the real main character is Ruffalo on the tail of the magicians.

This was a little bit of a downfall for the movie just because it spent most of the time focusing on Mark Ruffalo, which don't get me wrong, it was a nice angle, it just didn't really focus or develop any of the magicians.

Oh and Michael Caine is in the movie. That guy must really like Magicians. He of course does any awesome job and his part is really interesting in the movie and how it plays out.

As for other performances, it is really a fun cast.

Now I'm not sure if this is a complaint or a praise of the movie but I really didn't like Jesse Eisenberg's character. From his performances in Zombieland and The Social Network I've figured out that he's very good at playing two characters. The socially awkward guy, and the asshole.

In this movie he plays a weird combination of both. He's mostly going for the asshole but his voice makes a weird socially awkward element to it that I just wanted to punch. As much as I felt he was in control, I felt he didn't really have the voice for it. His character was supposed to be arrogant and an asshole. And while he did give off the assholeness and arrogance, he just doesn't really present himself as a person who's not socially awkward. It was a good try, but not quite there.

Isla Fisher... there's nothing bad I can say about Isla Fisher. She was great... just great.

Woody Harrelson was fun too like he always it. I think his character was fun because he's a little bit different. He doesn't do traditional magic. He's a mentalist, he takes little social cues to make big assumptions. He hypnotizes people and that has a great place in the events that happen in this movie. He basically a Sherlock Holmes who hypnotizes people, he was really fun.

And then there's Dave Franco... He was alright.

The good thing about this is while I have a few issues with Jesse Eisenberg and Dave Franco, it doesn't matter because all four of them worked really well together. For as little this movie was actually focused on these four and more on Mark Ruffalo, these four were just so freakin entertaining.

Now the plot of this movie is very complex and its a really fun ride. Is it totally plausible? Absolutely no. These guys are so far ahead of the FBI and Morgan Freeman its just ridiculous. Because the movie is complex, there's a lot of things to throw you off. When you get to the ending you'll think back and be like. "This person was just a big red herring to throw me off what the real plot twist was. Which is really good that a movie can do that.

And that brings me to the ending.

The ending of this movie was... ehhh.

I wasn't a big fan of it. It made sense, it was just a certain level of disbelief that I would have to bring myself to that it was hard. That being said, I didn't see it coming. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing because I didn't like it so much but it had its cleverness and I understand why they went in that direction. I think I would have preferred a different ending that doesn't really undermine a lot of what was set up before it happened. I don't want to spoil it because I really do think this movie is a really fun ride. You should definitely check it out and let me know what you think of the ending.

Overall, Now You See Me is a really fun heist movie with magicians. I've heard rumors that there might be a sequel. I don't quite know if this movie really needs a sequel but I would still watch it.

So have you seen Now You See Me? What did you think about it? Discuss and comment below.

I'll leave you with this. This was the first time I had ever seen Isla Fisher... and I have not loved since.

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