Monday, August 26, 2013

Heisenberg will be Lex Luthor

There's a rumor spreading around the internet about Man of Steel casting.

No, Not this one. No one is freaking about this at all

Let's just get an understanding. This is going to happen. Ben Affleck is going to be playing Batman in the Man of Steel sequel. Stop pretending like you're not going to see this movie. This movie is a clash of the two greatest superheroes in the universe, like hell you're not going to see this movie. 

No I'm talking about new Man of Steel 2 news. I am still unsure of whether or not this has been totally confirmed but its coming out the same way the Affleck news came out which makes me feel like it is true. 
The recent news has said that Bryan Cranston has been casted as Lex Luthor in the new Man of Steel movie.

This is a casting that I have wanted for a very long time. For a long time it was speculated that Cranston or Mark Strong would be casted for the role.

If you are a fan of Breaking Bad (as I am) you should be freaking out right now.

Walter White has become one of the most manipulative characters on television today and that is exactly what you need in a character like Lex Luthor. He needs to be a legitimate businessman who is very very visible in the public but has a very dark side to him.

Now these characters are not the same. Warner Brothers would not hire Cranston to get an exact copy of that character, they would hire him because they know that he can portray a beloved Superhero villain. Cranston will be able to draw on the manipulativeness of Walter White and bring his own take on this character.

Remember this guy? I thought Kevin Spacey was a very good Lex Luthor. I still am trying to schedule in a time when I can watch Superman Returns and give my totally analyzed take on it. But I do know that I enjoyed that movie more than most people did. One of the parts I really enjoyed was Spacey as Luthor.

The problem with Spacey as Luthor was the fact that there was a confusion between whether or not SR was a sequel or a reboot. Spacey was basically doing a mix between his own take of Luthor but also drawing from the performance of Gene Hackman. He was basically doing a glorified impression of the 1978  film performance.

This is not Spacey's fault, and for what he was doing, he did a really good job. The blame is mostly put on the confusion of that entire movie and the direction the director and others wanted the movie to go.

The awesome part about Cranston taking on the role is that this will be the first time the role has been reinvented.

Lex Luthor cannot be obsessed with making his own continent or breaking off california for his real estate ambitions. That Lex Luthor will not work in a Man of Steel Universe. I almost feel as though Lex Luthor needs to be a politician or a politically motivated businessman.

Another thing that I feel is essential for the portrayal of Lex Luthor is that he is not the main bad guy in this Man of Steel movie.

I mentioned this in a previous post, but every movie that Luthor has been the main bad guy hasn't been strong enough for a lot of viewers. I think Luthor needs to be a secondary villain that is carried on to the next movies. His role needs to be underplayed and be more of a puppeteer role that comes to fruition in a later film.

The good news about this is that the rumor says that Cranston is going to be signing on for multiple movies. Which means he's going to be Lex Luthor in multiple movies. I think they can focus on another villain and build up Cranston as a solid adversary to Superman.

Spacing out his rise to being the top antagonist also gives Snyder (or any other director that will be taking on the DC super heroes) time to build up the suit of Armor Lex Luthor has to fight Superman.

As much as people want Lex Luthor's armor in the next Man of Steel, I don't think they should put it in yet.

I think DC should reinvent the character and make him a character that is not defined by his armor. I think Cranston can define the character and reinvent it in a way that makes it totally new. Give Cranston a chance to do that and hold off on it so we're just waiting for Luthor to become the villain.

So... I'm excited! Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, and Bryan Cranston, I'm incredibly excited for this line up. I want it to succeed and I want it to be fantastic.

So what do you think of Bryan Cranston as Lex Luthor? Do you like the lineup this movie is casting? Comment below and let me know!


This rumor has actually been debunked. I'm bummed I bought into it so quickly. But everything I said about the character of Lex Luthor stands. They didn't say that he won't be Lex Luthor, but he hasn't been casted yet.

I'm pulling for the casting but we have to wait and see on that one.

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