Friday, August 2, 2013

Stop while you're ahead Mr. Cameron

There is no reason for an Avatar sequel!

I liked Avatar. I did. It was a great "original" idea. It brought to life a whole new kind of technology when it comes to cinema. Its looks fucking fantastic.

That being said

The story was incredibly unoriginal. Its the same story from Dances with Wolves, Pocahontas, and thousands of other movies. Avatar didn't bring anything new to the table beyond their technology. The white guy saving the native people is not a new story. Putting the conscious of another person into another body is not new plot device. Was the setting original? Kinda? But again that was only seemed original because it looked fucking fantastic.

James Cameron has just announced that he wants to do 3 Avatar sequels... 3!!!!

"Beautiful Money Ha-Ha-Ha"

And before I go on. When I first saw Avatar and I saw that the blue guys won I just called bullshit. These blue guys were outmatched, outgunned, and a bunch of rhinos save the day? And one guy can take down a giant futuristic aircraft carrier? Bullshit! And then they sent the humans home? Yes they beat the army they sent after them but that doesn't mean they could win the entire war. I would have enjoyed this movie much more if Sam Worthington's character had gone down like they do in Last Samurai. Yeah they lost but the audience knows they're the good guys and maybe Sam Worthington lives, still becomes a blue guy and leads an uprising against the humans in the next movie. THAT is a sequel I would like to see.

That being said. I liked this ending. It made sense. It closed up perfectly...
Oh right... that's why

James Cameron knows how to sell his movies. He didn't focus on the story when he was promoting this movie. He just showed how freaking beautiful it was. I think Cameron's problem when it comes to movies is that he doesn't know when to quit. 

Exhibit A
Terminator was a great film. Do I think it needed a sequel? I think this was a case where it did however, not one without the guy who brought in the audiences. Terminator without Arnold doesn't sell those movies anymore. And anyway, Terminator 3 was a good ending to the franchise. Was it a great movie? Eh. It put a bow on a great gift you gave to the movie going audience, thank you Mr. Cameron

And then this happened.

My point is Mr. Cameron, you're very good with the visuals. The ability to keep a story going through 4 sequels, not your specialty. And that is exactly what will happen with Avatar.

Prove me wrong Mr. Cameron. Sure you know how to get people to the theaters but can you keep them there?

I guess we will see.

Also I thought Titanic was overrated, but this is the sequel I want to see

Now I want to know what the readers think. Do you like Avatar? Do you think they should make a sequel? Do you like James Cameron's movies? Comment below and let me know.


There was an interview recently with James Cameron recently talking about the future Avatar sequels.

You all know my opinion on it, I'm not a fan, not only of the story and the fact that the human race did not win (cause you know I'm quite the racist of blue aliens), but also of the fact they're making not one, not two, but three sequels.

And then they throw this news in.

Remember this guy? The stereotypical military guy who is hell bent on destroying the Navi played by Stephen Lang is returning for the sequels.

Now I really enjoyed Lang's character. He was hilariously over the top and perfect for this kind of movie. However, I don't think he needs to be.

This was quite the death. Giant arrows being shot into his chest and killing him in the most glorious way possible. In a way, if you're looking at it as the humans being the protagonists of the film, its a dramatic tragic death.

Cameron said they loved working with him so much that they thought they'd bring him back. And because its science fiction they can do it in a number of ways.

Which is kind of insulting to science fiction. It gives the belief that death does not have the impact it should have. I could understand 1 sequel. I wouldn't be a fan of it but I could understand it. But Cameron intends to have him (as I understand it) in every movie. Now I can understand why you wouldn't kill off a good villain.

Look at Loki from the Avenger movies.

I just saw Thor the Dark World. (I'm going to be writing that review right after this update)

Loki returns to fight a common enemy but he's still pretty much a villain. Now this can be done well and it can be done horribly. Loki was done well, Agent Smith from the Matrix was not done well.

I feel as though Lang's character runs the risk of being an Agent Smith.

There's probably more I could say about this topic but its an interesting future. I'm not very optimistic about Avatar's future.

What do you think about Stephen Lang returning for Avatar sequels? Any more opinions on the sequels themselves?

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